After committing the sin which brought about the Fall, shame was thrusted into humanity. Nakedness was no longer without shame between Adam and Eve. They became helpless, scrambling for fig leaves in a desperate yet futile attempt to cover their nakedness.
Despite their rebellion, God showed incredible mercy and grace by clothing their nakedness and shame.
Despite their rebellion, God showed incredible mercy and grace by clothing their nakedness and shame.
A few reflections:
- Humankind remains the only created order which experiences shame from nakedness. This is one of many characteristics that separates us profoundly from the animals.
- Regressing back to nakedness does not annul our shame. Rather, it would be an act of rebellion against the judgement God has instituted in clothing—nudity points to our shame, not to our freedom from it.
- This incredible act of grace pointed forward to the day when God would decisively and permanently deal with our shame. The cost would be immense — it would require the death of his one and only beloved Son. Yet he will not only cover our sin and shame but will also clothe us with glory and honour and power.
For all of you who were baptised into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.
Galatians 3:27
Insights indebted to John Piper